Sunday, February 28, 2010

Unit Study Input Desired from Teachers & Homeschoolers, Please

Hello! and welcome to my new blog.  There isn't much content just yet, but I am starting with a very short, simple survey appropriate for teachers and homeschoolers who have used unit studies in their teaching.
I am working on a new project - a unit study about birds.

I am attempting to learn from you which unit studies you enjoy using the most and why. To facilitate that, I have put an extremely short list of some of the unit studies often used by teachers and homeschoolers here on my new blog. You simply go to the following link and check those you like best (as many or as few as you like).

Then, if you wouldn't mind, please email the details of what features you find most useful in your favorite unit studies. Also, if you have a favorite brand of unit study I didn't list, tell me about it, ok? With your input, I will be able to create a very useful end product that will be posted free online to each one of you who follows this blog until it is completed. 

Here is the email where to send me your comments directly: (where
your comments will be sorted and assessed carefully) or simply comment on the blog.

If you think you might like to use my unit study when it is done, simply sign up to be a "follower" of my blog while you are doing the quick survey on the front page of my blog. Then, I'll be sure to let you know when the unit study goes live. Hopefully it will be ready by summer in time for next school year and you can plan accordingly.

One last thing, if you have a favorite homeschooler or teacher egroup, a local support group, a circle of fellow teachers, please send them all a link to my blog so they can give me their input too.  They, too, will get free use of the unit study when it is complete if they become a follower of the blog. 

Thanks so much for any input you are willing to share. I appreciate any and all of your comments.

Malinda Zellman
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